How do you describe flying?

  • Jul 15, 2024
How do you describe flying?

Flying is a mode of transport that involves the use of an aircraft to transport people or goods from one place to another in the atmosphere.

So if you have never flown before, then it becomes quite challenging for you to try and even fathom what the experience is like. Explaining the feeling and the sensation to a person who has not flown in his or her life is quite a task. Nevertheless, by explaining the two significant aspects of flying in an airplane, the analytical narration begins to depict a clear image of terrestrial travelers. Here is a brief on how you can expound on the exciting experience of flight in an accurate manner.

The Takeoff

Whenever a person finds himself or herself seated in a plane and has fastened the seat belt; he or she has that urge to take off, that excitement, and that slight fear of flying. Once the plane pulls back from the terminal, the engines are roaring wishing to commence the trip at the soonest opportunity. Then the plane starts moving towards the runway, and the sound rises from a drone to a powerful motorcycle-like noise. It may be a little loud for a talk, but you wait by the window with a sort of eagerness.

Standing by the window, you hear the tires touch the tarmac, and the plane halts for about 5-10 seconds, full of anxiety. Next, the engines rev, and the aircraft begins to move very quickly yet the noise level is extremely high. The force of acceleration that is being imposed upon you sends you back into your seat much more forcefully than any super sports car could. The front of the plane raises and within the range of 10-20 seconds the feeling takes you off the ground you are airborne. This is especially true as it moves further up the sky, the ground below your window slides backward at a steep angle.

Reaching Cruising Altitude

After about 10-15 minutes the plane is stabilized and the sound of the engines is slightly lower, the pilot has returned the flying craft to its standard cruising altitude. Are we going to be able to see them? You ask me, At about 30,000 feet, you see nothing but the fields, towns, and tiny cars moving along the highways. Renewed once again, lakes and rivers are visible in the sunlight for miles below. You also find out that familiar towns and landmarks that are found near your home are also unfamiliar from the aerial view. The terrain down below adopts a rather small scale and offers an interesting perspective.

As flight attendants come around with the beverages, you can only look at the fact that you are now flying at close to 600 miles per hour inside a metallic cylinder! Nevertheless, a brief look around the cabin and observing other passengers merely calmly reading or sleeping makes this incredible form of transportation a rather ordinary thing. The flying is smooth and the experience feels no different from one of ordinary occurrence, to underscore how advanced a work of engineering modern airplanes are.


During your flight, you may experience a few or some moderate turbulence at some point in the flight. CAT is simply turbulent conditions aloft or waves of turbulent air at high levels in the atmosphere. While passing through these zones, you may observe that the plane jerks, drops, sways, or tilts in a manner that could last several seconds to a few minutes. Everything that is not secured and any person not wearing their seat belt will stand up on the car every time there is a bouncing motion. Light turbulence is not very enjoyable, akin to driving on a bumpy road, and it is similar to that is very similar to that of moderate turbulence. During moderate turbulence, this means that the shaking and bouncing forces are higher, so you have to hold on to your seat and table until the turbulence becomes smooth again.

The rough movements that you may identify as turbulence are quite normal occurrences that might be uncomfortable to fliers with anxiety. Today’s commercial airplanes are very robust structures constructed to withstand much higher levels of turbulence than that encountered in normal service. The pilots also exert efforts to ensure that they do not fly in areas that may cause turbulence as much as possible for the comfort of the travelers. So the next time you feel your plane is going through turbulence take a deep breath and relax and understand that the sensation is normal and has no adverse effect on the plane.

Descending and Landing

The last area of your airplane flight is at the same time a moment of relief and a moment of sorrow as the airplane starts to descend. Picking up trash, clicking seat backs, securing personal items, you get the sensation again that gravity has become a reality as the aircraft nose slowly lowers. The external space is changed from metaphysical realms into tangible territories and friendly environments. When the aircraft is near the airport, the gears and flaps on the wings become operational with some noises. The land beneath charges forward as the plane gracefully glides to the runway in its final approach.

The faint sound of tires screeching can be the only signal of the long-awaited welcome of your flight’s end. This low, vibrating momentum propels you forward as the plane decelerates until it banks in for the final approach to the arrival gate. It is the strange combination of joy at having one’s feet back on good old solid ground, and anticipation of the next journey to come, with a tinge of homesickness for the in-transit existence that is being left behind. The reader disembarks the jet bridge and you see him gazing up at the sky, thoughts and feelings of the wonderful journey still fresh in his mind.

So for anyone who would like to know what it feels like to fly in a plane, this splendid mode of transport continues to turn the extraordinary into the ordinary. Painting reality with elements of abstraction, breaking the laws of physics to build structures, feeling the thrill of takeoff, the excitement of a new place, or the calm of a long-awaited landing these form unerasable impressions that make flying an incredibly valuable experience.

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