Is PNR a confirmation number?

  • Jul 27, 2024
Is PNR a confirmation number?

Yes, it is a confirmation number that works similarly to PNR.

Flights are usually booked by giving passengers a unique code known as the Passenger Name Record (PNR) or record locator, which is 6 characters long. This code is related to your airline reservation and contains your flight schedule, contact information meal requirements, etc. But does your PNR mean the same thing as a confirmation number? Or are they different categories that have no similarities?

What is a PNR?

PNR is a six-digit alphanumeric code that is used as a reference for the passenger’s booking record with the airline. It contains key details about your reservation, including It contains key details about your reservation, including:

  • Your name
  • Flight numbers and dates are other variables that can be used to develop models of flight distances.
  • Origin and destination airports
  • Seat assignments
  • Contact telephone numbers and/or e-mail addresses
  • Special meal requests
  • Frequent flyer details

Other preferences and data The other preferences and data are the additional features of the application that may also be important for a user but are not as crucial as the ones listed above.

The PNR enables both you and the airline to check your details in their reservation system effortlessly without having to hunt for the information. It connects all the data regarding your itinerary and is ideal for data that involves moving from one place to another. All the airlines mentioned above use six letters and/or numbers in producing their PNR codes.

The check-in process involves the issuance of PNR and every single person who books a flight with an airline gets this document. You will require this code when you wish to make alterations to your flights, choose your preferred seats, manage your baggage, modify the details of a passenger, or get in touch with the airline regarding the booking. PNR is all passenger number reference and hence cannot be changed by the other passengers.

A confirmation number is a number that is provided to the client either through the telephone or through the mail and is used when the client is speaking to a representative of the company.

A confirmation number or confirmation code is usually a string of numbers and/or letters that serve as a way to ensure that the particular airline ticket purchase or reservation has been gone through and accepted.

Every booking made by the airlines will trigger the issuance of a confirmation number or code. The confirmation, in a way, acts as a receipt page that confirms that payment for the holidays has been made and the itinerary is set.

For online or phone bookings, the confirmation number is on the same paperwork you receive when purchasing the booking. If you bought your ticket with the help of a travel agent, the agent will give you the actual airline confirmation.

The confirmation code is not the PNR but it could be easily mistaken for it since they are similar in form. Well, the PNR can be described as having strings that interconnect all information regarding the reservation, whereas the confirmation number simply confirms that the transaction was made.

Should I Know Both the PNR and Confirmation Number?

It may be useful to keep in mind the airline PNR number in addition to the confirmation code or number of the purchased tickets. However, the PNR is inclusive of other significant details required to access and manipulate flight reservation information.

You can typically use your PNR code for You can typically use your PNR code for:

  • Modifications of flights or their complete cancellation
  • Selecting/changing seat assignments
  • Appending airline frequent flyer information
  • Updating passenger information
  • The extra services, such as extra baggage, are other factors that should be incorporated into the model.
  • Requesting reservation information or current reservation status

The confirmation number only serves the purpose of confirming that payment has been processed for the particular itinerary related to the said PNR. This is why if you are only going to monitor and record for one code, your PNR must be on it. While most airlines permit you to use either code to access reservations, it is best and easier to use your PNR whenever managing bookings.

How to Track Your Airline PNR and Flight Confirmation


  • Written on the booking receipt, either through email or through the sms that was sent to you
  • You can obtain them from your airline booking account, which you use to buy tickets.
  • This service is procured for your convenience by your travel agent.
  • It appears as written on airline documents that show an itinerary/receipt of a flight.
  • Confirmations Number/Code:
  • On the receipt, which is sent to your email or via SMS when you purchase the ticket
  • You see it on your booking account payment confirmation page
  • Appears on the ticket purchase receipts given by a travel agent or an airline company.

Some key details that can help distinguish the two codes are:


  • 6 characters, alphanumeric
  • Access reservation record
  • Make itinerary changes
  • Confirmation
  • Longer numeric code
  • Confirms ticket purchase
  • The specifics of service use and reservation access may not be provided.

To conclude, PNR is a reservation reference number, and a ticket number is also referred to as a confirmation number. The PNR provides more value in terms of handling your bookings, so make sure to keep it open over all else. However, it is not deleterious to point at both, as they are geared toward playing distinct primary roles.