What are flight words?

  • Jul 15, 2024
What are flight words?

What are Flight Words?

Flight words are the words that people tend to use to avoid something uncomfortable, for instance, talking about it. These words enable any individual to immediately fly over any talks that he or she would not want to engage in. In flight words there are no specific details, they are vague, and they shift the attention away from the issue at hand. Flight words are used in numerous contexts, and there are many reasons why one person or another employs them.

Flight words are used in a great way in everyday conversation, and here are some examples:

Here are some common flight words and phrases that people use to avoid difficult discussions: Here are some common flight words and phrases that people use to avoid difficult discussions:

  • I think it's only right that each person sticks to his own opinion: This clichéd saying seeks to bring the argument to a halt without any conclusion.
  • This popular phrase, It is what it is ignores people's accountability for their actions and decisions, and hinders productive conversations on problems, their causes, and their solutions.
  • Whatever: This is a single word that has the effect of freezing the discussion because it does not continue the conversation.
  • You know… is a particular way of leaving the middle of a sentence and flying away from the completion of a thought.
  • Never mind: backtracking is used to bring an interaction to a close, so it is an example of avoidance.
  • Everyone has his or her own opinions: This statement necessitates that any position: no matter how immoral or illogical: be permitted on equal footing as any other.
  • Shooting something down with It complicated simply adds a label, which, again, does not lead to specifics.
  • Let's just go on Disregarding conflict dynamics causes the conversation to progress over addressing the conflict.
  • This phrase translates to, Let's not go there and is used to avoid uncomfortable or complicated discussions.
  • I do know) : This is used when the person wants to bring an end to the interrogation by not answering any more questions or giving any details.
  • It does not matter This excuse negates importance and as such, effectively shuts out further reflection on certain matters.

Aside from the flight words above, there are numerous other flight words that people use frequently in their everyday language which they normally avoid. Any significant, vague, deflecting, or empty words fit the bill, as is the case with phrases that let someone avoid responsibility or uncomfortable conversations.

The Justifications that People Offer in Using Flight Words

  • It is conceivable to wonder why an individual is keen on using flight words while conversing. There are a few common reasons: There are a few common reasons:
  • Anxiety: This is also because most people find the discussion of issues such as trauma, conflict, or taboo topics to be very anxiety-inducing. Flight words help individuals escape these talks and any resultant difficult feelings.
  • Shirking responsibility: People thus shy away from using direct speech when making statements as they are shielded from the backlash of their stand on certain issues. Being purposefully ambiguous is great when you do not want to have to explain yourself, defend your moves, or justify your actions.
  • Business as usual: Speaking up with concerns or criticisms may seem unsafe in terms of interpersonal relationships. Maintaining the status quo by utilizing flight words ensures that the source and target retain their social relations with other individuals and their stresses remain at a low.
  • From Childhood: It also implies that some people have been raised to steer clear of blunt communication and use certain tones from childhood to adulthood.
  • Time management: Flight words can often be used by the speakers to cushion the impact of the unpleasant news or to momentarily avoid coming back to a touchy subject.
  • Self-preservation: Sometimes people, who have mental health concerns, may use flight words to maintain mental harmony by escaping situations that cause stress.

In any case, the reasons might be, that flight words provide the speaker with a way of avoiding full disclosure, dispensing with the truth and closeness within the process of communication. The emotional security that comes with flight words is derived at the expense of true social interaction.

Negative Effects of Using Flight Words

Frequent use of flight words shapes conversations and relationships in meaningful ways, including Frequent use of flight words shapes conversations and relationships in meaningful ways, including:

  • Diminishing credibility: When individuals in the audience hear speakers engaging in the avoidance of plain talk, credibility eventually becomes an issue of concern as the following aspects can be doubted: sincerity, truthfulness, and dependability.
  • Decreasing trust: When people communicate in roundabout ways, they are less likely to open up to one another which thwarts intimacy.
  • Rejection of solutions: This means that people can refuse to admit that a certain problem exists, hence blocking any opportunities to look for other means of finding a middle ground, ideas, or solving the main causes.
  • Feeling ignored Flight words are simply a way of making the receiving party feel unimportant or unworthy of attention.
  • Promoting passive aggression: Unlike assertive words that excuse the displeasure in an organization, flight words foster the development of pent-up resentment in the long run.
  • Building walls: repetitive usage of flight words takes time to build psychological and communication walls between individuals.
  • Enabling harm: Escaping from reality, tough consequences, and the process of changing for the better means allowing destructive language and actions.

Flight words give people a sense of relief in the short term, but if people rely on those words, the goals of meaningful relationships, intimacy, and well-being are defeated.

Replacing Flight Words

Thus, the only way to counterbalance the phenomenon of flight words is to dare to have the serious and meaningful discussions they help people skip. However, transitioning slowly towards more explicit communication reduces the likelihood of causing more harm.

First, it is necessary to ensure that people can leave flight words behind and start speaking in an open environment, which is best described as psychologically safe. Thus, there is nothing wrong with practicing active listening to show that one is willing to understand other parties to open up the conversation.

Be ready for defensiveness, as those who are inclined to use flight words will resort to them when asked directly if they feel annoyed. Be patient and kind with their process in how they change their communication styles, while at the same time, have your line drawing of what words are acceptable.

This might occur incrementally, moving towards more confrontation. Pay attention to situations when you or the people around you avoid concrete details and kindly explain to them that there are chances for important and clear communication without criticism or pressure. Try to respect the people's language and interact with them using the language they use, but at the same time, try to communicate more consciously and responsibly.

The integration of positive verbal statements and the occasional gentle prodding regarding direct communication is beneficial in changing behavioral patterns. Specifically, individuals unlearn dependence on flight words by practicing, sensing that they are safe to take risks, and making it clear.

If flight behavior is due to emotional regulation, consider targeting the underlying concerns or the skills needed to tolerate emotions to discuss them for more than a moment. Counseling may help with the process of unpacking and restructuring unhelpful relationship patterns and their associated affective substrates.

It may not be apparent what one can do about the cultural overuse of imprecise flight words, but with care, compassion, and courage, each of us can help change this situation and bring more sustaining, meaningful relationships into our lives and others. It is just to take it step by step or in this case; taking each conversation.

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