What are the basics of flight?

  • Jul 16, 2024
What are the basics of flight?

The Basics of Flight

The fascination of flying has always been a dream of humans since the earliest recorded time in civilization. Preparations for aviation were made with the earliest forms of flying such as hot air balloons, gliders, and other proto-airplanes with the actual flight starting with the Wright brothers in 1903. One hundred years later, people fly as they once sailed it has become a part of their everyday lives and ways of transportation. But what makes these large structures fabricated from metal to be airborne, to fly through the air? Here we detail the basic fundamental principles that make flight possible.


Lift is one of the four forces that act on any aircraft and that enable it to fly; the other forces include weight, thrust, and drag. It is the product of the velocity of the aircraft and the density of the air through which it is passing. Based on this, the wings or rotor blades of an aircraft cause the air particles to move in a given path by pushing the particles down. According to Newton's third law of motion, each action is met by an equal and opposite reaction hence the downward push on the air creates an equal up-thrust or a lift force on the wings.

The wing configurations called the airfoil play a significant role in creating the lift force that will counteract the weight and gravity acting on an aircraft. The top part of the airfoil has a curved shape, which when exposed to passing air, increases its speed and as a result has lower pressure on it than the lower surface which is flatter, thus having a higher pressure. This causes an increase in the upward lift force due to the pressure differential that exists between the two areas of the wing. Another factor is the angle at which the wings cut through the air, also referred to as the angle of attack which also influences the production of lift. Through arrangements of these various elements, the wings of aircraft can generate enough lift for getting off the ground and for flying.


Of course, the lift is the force that opposes gravity and gives the required upward force but the thrust is the force that gives the forward movement to the aircraft to generate that lift in the first place. For most aircraft, the force that enables movement or what may be referred to as thrust or propulsion is from the engines. The engines turn the propellers or turbine blades that when accelerate the air backwards create the force that pushes the airplane forward which is known as thrust.

In rocket-propelled crafts such as missiles and spacecraft, the force you need to create the required movement is obtained from the exhaust gases which are expelled downwards from the rocket engine nozzle at high velocities. According to Newton's third law, this will result in an equal and opposite reaction force in the upward direction. By so doing, they build up and direct this reaction force to generate the thrust force necessary for propelling. The nature of the engines and the propulsion that is in use define the forward speed an aircraft is capable of attaining.


While thrust pushes the aircraft forward through the path of propulsion, the sustaining equal and opposite force of aerodynamic drag acts to slow the aircraft down. Drag results from the relative motion of air and the airplane structure and the consequent rubbing process. Wings, rotor blades, or neatly arranged control surfaces have low drag while exposed cable, wheels, or engine parts have high drag. Other parts such as flaps and the landing gear are elements that are used at low speed and hence shall also contribute to the drag. However, it is impossible to exclude drag in its entirety.

Reducing drag is critical to engineering combustible airplanes that can fly faster, and farther, and need little, if any, giant additional thrust to defeat drag. Thanks to improvements in aerodynamic technology and the reduction in the weight of aircraft structures through the use of composites that offer better strength and lower drag than traditional materials, modern aircraft, and jet airliners are capable of flying at higher speeds and higher operating efficiencies.


The mass of the aircraft from assembled structure, fuel, engines, payload, and passengers is another key reacting force. Smaller aircraft require less force to overcome the downward force as they occupy a lesser wing/rotor area to support their weight. During flight, fuel is always burnt, and therefore while flying becomes possible at higher altitudes over time weight is reduced. In turn, larger planes require wings with more area and/or lift coefficient to generate more upward force.

The primary principle of stability is being a counterbalance between lift and what is opposing it. A lift greater than the total weight causes a climb in the aircraft since extra lift above the needed amount to balance the total weight is created. Lacking enough lift, it can stall at one time and descend sharply at the same time. Pilots use control surfaces such as the flaps and ailerons on the wings and the power from the engines to smoothly perform a climbing, descending, or turning manœuvre while remaining stable. The four basic forces of flight: lift, weight, thrust, and drag must be understood and balanced to achieve controlled powered flight.

Stability and Control

In addition to the four forces interacting on an aircraft in flight, it has to achieve stability that is, controlled movement along a particular path. Aircraft stability can be defined relative to the three axes of rotation in a particular aircraft; these are the pitch, roll, and yaw. There are fixed and moving control surfaces namely ailerons, elevators, and fin&rudder which make it possible to counter unwanted rotations when necessary.

Also, the wings that are located along the length of the aircraft help to provide inherent roll stability. Dihedral angled wings that slope up from the fuselage outwards also help to bring stability when rolling. The vertical fin being the main source of yaw stability offers resistance to sideslip to prevent the nose of the aircraft from getting out of alignment. Another feature to note is that horizontal tail wings being located low provide inherent pitching maneuver stability which opposes dangerous nose-up and nose-down positions. Modern autopilot controls now integrate stability augmentation through added sensors and software into its core.

Adjusting the right combinations of these control surfaces provides pilots ability and control of the aircraft movements left/right rolls, pitching of the nose up/down, and yaw rotations. These control surfaces used in fine-tuning, also add to the tight turns other than the stability to get the want to flight patterns. Stability and controllability at varying conditions are the measure that separates good and bad aircraft designs.

The understanding of flight has evolved and now, people can fly everything starting with bicycles, moving down to jumbo jets, rockets, and shuttles to space. But at the same time, the principles of flight aerodynamics remain the same as they were centuries ago, while there were thousands of inventions. The pioneers took a risk and endeavored to fly into the sky with no assurance of making it back down. They braced it and brought about an exhilarating world where the art of flying from one continent to another has become an everyday practice. It is only hard to know what the following frontiers of aerospace engineering might produce as scholars keep on extending science. The sky is the limit and so the flight of man continues through endless possibilities. crawled into space and one day into other worlds!

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