What are total bookings?

  • Jul 09, 2024
What are total bookings?

What Are Total Bookings?

Total booking is a measure that is used in the travel, hospitality, and service industries to measure confirmed purchases or orders. They help companies to have an insight into future revenues and enable the companies to make definite and probable business planning and control.

In this article, the reader will learn what total bookings are, what value they bring, how to calculate and interpret them, as well as some of the issues and recommendations one should be aware of while using this metric.

Definition of Total Bookings

Total bookings mean the total value of all the transactions with customers at a particular time. This comprises those that have been made for services that are to be offered in the future a booking or a purchase that involves accommodation where the payment has been made in full, or the customer has provided his/her credit card details.

Some examples of total bookings include:

  • Customers who had made reservations to occupy hotel rooms or accommodation facilities in the future.
  • Plane tickets are consumed and verified before a flight that is expected to occur shortly.
  • Restaurant reservations that pay using a credit card have provided credit card details or have deposited an amount.
  • Services such as bookings made for a service with an individual or an organization, for example, massage, hair salon, a medical appointment, etc.
  • Tickets that have been purchased with the event and have gone through the final stages of checkout.

Total bookings solely involve confirmed and actualized sales. Any prospects that did not go through or booked accommodations that did not pay yet would also not be kept track. It also does not include revenues or any sort of transactions in the past or even present – it only looks to the future.

Why total bookings are important

The reason underlined total booking is very important, it gives a useful idea of the revenue which is likely to be passing through the door in other periods. Some reasons why total bookings matter: Some reasons why total bookings matter:

1. Forecast staffing and resources: Confirmed bookings are very useful, especially for the hotel business, airlines, and services – they directly define how many employees, products, services, and other resources will be required in the coming days, weeks, or months to meet this business. They are also able to well allocate what they want based on the duration they have for the same.

2. Identify booking trends: The company can use the bookings data to see the number and value of bookings over some time and use the result to take into consideration the periods that are busy or less busy, make seasonal adjustments, and estimate the identity of the market by the types of bookings made.

3. Understand capacity and demand: This shows the level of demand by comparing the total number of bookings to the actual number a hotel or a resort can accommodate for a given period. This often means that if bookings are nearing capacity, it might point to the potential for increasing the capacity or raising the rates. This is evident where the number of bookings is below the number of rooms available, in this case, it indicates excess capacity.

4. Inform financial planning: Total bookings are translated to a stream of future revenue on the books and enable companies, peg especially public firms, to give revenue direction to the market and shareholders. It is a measure of the total business prospects or total bookings, which is an amount expected to be received in terms of cash.

Understanding How Total Bookings Is Arrived At

For travel companies like hotels and airlines, total bookings typically include: For travel companies like hotels and airlines total bookings typically include:

  • Number of rooms/units sold/booked/locked in Typical average daily rate (ADR)/room rate/unit rate/price Other incidental products for which customers may decide to purchase in conjunction with the booking such as spas, restaurant & catering services, flight meals/ baggage fees etc.
  • For services, bookings may only translate to the total bookings and the amount of money for services bought.
  • It even specifies the particular period that is also relevant when it comes to the meaning of the total bookings. Common timeframes include:
  • Rooms sold within a day Number of bookings in the next 30/60/90 days. Reservations for a definite upcoming month or quarter Yeartodate bookings
  • Companies usually calculate a few key metrics from total booking data: Companies usually calculate a few key metrics from total booking data:
  • Booking pace: The analyses of daily/weekly/monthly data Market segment/Channel bookings Percentage growth against past period Occupancy rate defined as the number of bookings made in a given period about available hotel capacity. Income which is expected from the current status of the bookings pipeline

On this basis, the current article aims at analyzing and contextualizing total bookings

Thus, the use of the total bookings concept is not limited to observing the number at a certain period and comparing it to the possible total bookings, it is this indicator in conjunction with other parameters, its fluctuations, and tendencies that provide key information to be further analyzed and interpreted. Companies may analyze factors like:

What is the difference in its total bookings in the same period in the current year to last year? : The first question is whether growth is flat, accelerating, or slowing. How does this kind of booking look in the context of internal goals and forecasts? It is also important to establish how these trends compare with other factors that are out of control such as the economy, seasonality, and competition among others. This is especially important when identifying which marketing channels are popular among the guests and what channel is most effective for booking. Which freights have the highest growth rate? This brings me to the second question – What does booking pace by week or month mean? What are the periods that attract the highest sales or traffic? What is the expected revenue generated from my total bookings at the current? That brings into question the reliability of that projected revenue. Is there any period or channel through which bookings have been reduced that I should look more closely at?

In this regard, the interpretation of total booking data about these questions presents useful information that may help the management to better operate the business.

Issues and Encounters with Using Total Bookings Data

While an invaluable metric, some limitations and best practices around total bookings data include: While an invaluable metric, some limitations and best practices around total bookings data include:

  • Cancellations and no-shows: Bookings give an idea of the revenue that may be expected but customers do not always turn up to use the services offered or complete a purchase as booked. That is done especially to monitor historical patterns which assist in accounting for the above.
  • Timing differences: This means that taking a snapshot of the bookings does not always capture what weeks or months could be busy or slow since bookings can occur randomly and at any time in advance. There is a requirement to examine the tempo and historical conversion rates to estimate the authentic demand weeks.
  • Data integrity: While using quantitative data, it is also important to note that errors in reservation systems, duplicate bookings, etc. may cause bad data. As a best practice, engage in data governance so that your metrics remain credible.

Hence, total bookings are critical information about the future revenue stream of several firms in the travel, hospitality, and services industries. Booking data along with its growth pace and segments, compared to the existing capacity and general context, together with the employed practices of using these numbers, enables making major decisions regarding staff, budget, price, and growth strategies to meet the given demand. Accurate measurement and total bookings measurement and analysis provide a wireframe for operational and financial performance.

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