What is PNR in booking?

  • Jul 09, 2024
What is PNR in booking?

It is a common question among travelers to know what the abbreviation PNR in Booking means.
Passenger Name Record often referred to as PNR is a reservation detail that was established to help improve the safety of air travel.

This is a number assigned to a passenger by an airline or a travel agent when a flight, train, or bus ticket is booked. Lastly, the acronym PNR denotes Passenger Name Record. This is a special numeric value that has all the information of a passenger's travel reservation.

PNR and Why It's Critical

PNR number is very important when traveling by air since it enables a passenger to retrieve his or her booking details and edit or delete the ticket. It is a unique identification number that enables the traveler to get all the information relating to the booking from the airline's booking system or reservation system. The PNR contains key details like The PNR contains key details like:

  • Passenger's name
  • Contact information
  • Flight number and date of travel
  • Time of travel and time of expected discharge
  • Source and destination airports refer to the two locations where the flight begins and ends respectively.
  • Flight class
  • Preferred seat numbers
  • Meal preferences
  • Baggage allowance
  • Fare details
  • Travel agent information

As such, the PNR number contains all the essential information regarding the passenger that an airline may need in one place. It permits them to deliver services in the desired ways, depending on the customer. That is why, each time a ticket is being booked, it is given a new PNR number. Such contact number is required by passengers at each and every communication with the airline regarding the booking.

PNR number or Passenger Name Record is a unique identifier that is assigned to each passenger's reservation by the railway booking system.
There are a few ways to find your PNR number: There are a few ways to find your PNR number:

1. Ticket Confirmation Email/SMS

When you pay for an airline booking, the airline gives you the ticket confirmation containing the PNR number through email or text message. It is the quickest means of getting your PNR.

2. Credit Card Statement

As for the PNR, if you have used a credit card to pay for the ticket, then, the PNR number is provided on the bank's statement under the airline payment.

3. Contact the Airline/Agent

There is always the option of contacting the airline or the agent you bought the ticket from and supply your data. You can approach them and they can pull your PNR details from their system using your identification documents and ticketing information.

4. Check PNR Status Online

Most airlines have online services in which you can check your PNR status by entering some of your details such as name, ticket number, date of journey, etc; it then gives you a complete PNR number with the status of your booking details.

PNR number, short for Passenger Name Record, is an important tool when traveling by train and it is therefore important to know why you may need its services.

As a passenger, you'll need the PNR for the following reasons: As a passenger, you'll need the PNR for the following reasons:

  • To verify the flight information such as its time of departure, the gate number, and many more before getting to the airport.
  • They are used for retrieving booked flights so that changes such as date, flight route, etc. can be made.
  • Book for other flights in cases where the flight has been rescheduled, delayed, or canceled
  • Select the seats and put in a special request for the meals.
  • Online web check-in before visiting the airport
  • This is useful in keeping records of expenses and what has been spent to prepare for expense reporting or reimbursement.
  • To whom it may concern This is regarding the booking of my order and I would kindly request you to refer me to the customer service department.
  • Get some benefits from the car for the journey accomplished
  • Check on the baggage allowance to ensure that they do not incur extra charges for carrying more luggage than they are allowed, which can be very expensive in most airlines.
  • Pre-ordering baggage tags before the time one is at the airport.
  • Avoid purchasing tickets that one is not going to need and take care to cancel them based on airline procedures.

So simply having the PNR at your disposal is beneficial right from the planning to the boarding stage, not to mention, accounting as well.

Directions to PNR: Remember This

  • Remember to include it as soon as you make your booking
  • Retain the page with the PNR number that you received when confirming your ticket.
  • Always, you should have a soft or hard copy of the documents ready whether in the airport or during web check-in.
  • The best thing to do with it is to keep the card safe until your traveling is done.
  • This is also a kashering to prevent PNR information from being shared with unauthorized individuals and not to delete the email/SMS after the trip.
  • Do not share PNR publicly to avoid exposing personal information to theft or misuse.

The last parameter is probably the most convenient one because with your PNR you can get all the ticket details needed to have a comfortable trip. From Web check-in, generation of baggage tags, rebooking of flights, or insurance claims – all can be done with the help of this PNR. Therefore, ensure that you have saved the PNR number safely once the ticket booking process is completed.


In short, a Passenger Name Record or PNR refers to a number, which will be issued for every booking. It is used to access the reservation and allow for the amendment or manipulation of the same when necessary. Ensuring the keeping and proper use of the PNR makes way for a smooth and convenient flight experience for passengers. For this reason, an aware customer will always write down and keep safe for themselves the travel PNRs.

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