What is the first experience of flying?

  • Jul 16, 2024
What is the first experience of flying?

The First Flight: Going back to the time, I can recall my first experience of flying through the skies.

The first time I recall flying, it was as if it happened the other day. I had always been an airplane enthusiast as a child and wished that one day I would be up there soaring high like a bird and looking at the world below. For the first time in my life, I flew at the age of 12 years when my family and I were going somewhere, and I was so happy, so ready for the flight.

Checking In and Boarding

I was very eager to meet the man and when we got to the airport I could hardly contain myself. This featured huge aircraft in the gates, and people running to board their flights. Customs and security checks back then were an adventure by themselves especially when I was younger. The whole process seemed so official and important that I couldn't help myself and began to act like a real candidate.

At last, we reached our gate which seemed to me to be an appropriate place to stop for a few moments. I leaned my face on the enormous windows that were available at the lower end of the plane and watched the ground crew tossing luggage inside the plane and coordinating the movements of the plane. Then came the announcement at last that it was time to start to embark. My knees buckled a little from nervousness and anxiousness as I entered the plane through the jetway in search of my designated seat.

Settling Into My Seat

As for me, I got a window seat and the whole of my family sat beside me while I gazed out of the small oval window and watched bags being loaded and more people boarding the flight. In the ears of an impatient child, this was one lengthy process before the captain informed everyone that they were ready for takeoff. The flight attendants got everyone in the cabin strapped in and the cabin ready.

Acceleration Down the Runway

Once the plane was aligned parallel to the runway, the engines started with a loud power and bang. The only word said was that we stopped immediately then we suddenly sped up on the runway. My heart began to race as the nose of the plane began to point upwards and we were off !! Clutching the armrest in front of me and looking out the window I marvelled as the ground began to slide downwards. It was not more than a few seconds before we were soaring through the fluffy white mass, high in the sky. It was astonishing how I felt like I was soaring in the sky; something I have often observed jetliners do many times over.

Soaring Among the Clouds

It took only some time before reaching our cruising altitude, and I couldn't wait to look out for the cotton-like clouds surrounding the plane. At times I would have thought that I could just open the window and grab them, which was true, they seemed very near. Even when the flight attendant offered me drinks and meals during the flight, I was so shocked that I could eat and drink normally, even as I soared as high as some species of birds.

Looking Down on the World Below with Its Mosaic of Fields and Meadows

Well, I was privileged to have scored the window seat on my first flight because after satisfying my curiosity about clouds, I focused my eyes downwards. When I gazed at the fields, roads, lakes, towns, and the miniaturized reproduction on the flat tray before me what astonished me was the vast expanse of space that separated me from them up in the air. Those immense vehicles would now look massive, but they too appeared miniature, crawling at a snail's pace across the terrain. It was a dollhouse world; even the trees, bushes, and hedges seemed to have been pruned. It was hard to measure because the scale was so massive that it was like viewing the world from a different plane.

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The flight you provided to my family and me took us to our long-awaited fun-filled trip to Walt Disney World. Nonetheless, if high with the excitement of Disney parks, they cannot compare to the feeling of flight that I experienced on my first flight. Being aware that in a few hours, we would begin the process of getting to the ground I enjoyed each moment spent with my eyes on the window, not wanting to lose the wonderful feeling of the flight.

Bumping Down the Runway

Before we knew it, the pilot announced that the preparations for descent were in the process. I prepared myself once again for the sudden movement and felt the plane drop down through the clouds one more time before the captain gave us a brief view of the terrain outside the plane from where I stood, was an endless stretch of monotone brown for as far as the eye could see. The wheels came down again and the earth appeared to rush up to meet them with another fabulous whine; after which the plane tilted back, slowed down as if it meant to stop then came down with a great thud. My body moved along with the last few vibrations of the plane and came to a halt only when we reached the arrival ramp.

My story begins with my first flight, Cloud-High

When all passengers unbuckled their seat belts and everyone in the plane started to stand and get their belongings out of the overhead compartments, I kept sitting in my seat for a while in shock. My first flight was now over and at the same time too brief, making me want to be up there for as long as possible. I came off this plane feeling like I had grown wings on my own. To this day whenever I travel by a flight I am still able to comfortably squeeze myself into the happy kid syndrome that I first experienced when I first flew. Whenever I get to be ˜selective' as to which seat I would be getting, I do not mind dozing off into the realm of clouds and the enchanting feeling of flying above that quilted world down there.

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