Why do I enjoy flying?

  • Jul 15, 2024
Why do I enjoy flying?

Why I Enjoy Flying

It has always been my desire and passion to be a pilot or a steward since I was young enough to have a toy plane. I often used to sit and watch airplanes coming in and out of the aviation around us, how they maneuver through the sky and move from one place to another. Every chance I got, I started taking flying lessons as soon as I was able and I never had to go through any nausea or feeling of sickness for the first time when I took the controls of a small Cessna and it felt like an extension of myself. Today, even years later, I always experience immense pleasure and liberation every time I take to the air. Here are some of the main reasons why I continue to love spending time in the air:

Sense of Freedom

Freedom is one of the greatest joys of flying and a feeling that makes most pilots feel relieved when up there in the sky. The moment the wheels begin to roll off the runway it gives me a fantastic feeling that I am out there on my overhead the earth only with the help of the wings of the plane and the capabilities of the pilot. Once the plane has reached the cruising level, there is no sign of anything for hundreds of miles in any direction as far as one can see. I don™t think anyone can imagine how incredibly free, how utterly emancipated I feel from the world that lies beneath me and all its woes. For those hours that I am in the air, I have little or no care for the surrounding world and can just focus on and revel in the feeling of open skies.

Focus and Presence

Flying demands the enormous presence of mind and concentration skills necessary for the proper handling of the aircraft. This means that it is important to be very alert at all times, checking the different dials and controls while at the same time being keen on other planes or any other structures. Such a level of interaction submerges me in the state of flow through which all the current focus and efforts are directed to the act of flying. All other thoughts and concerns are shed off as I am engrossed with my whole being in maneuvering the airplane to maintain a steady and controlled climb, bank, and balance glides. I noticed that after a flight, whether long or short, I feel mentally alert, stimulated, and energetic because of this Attentional Workout.

Sense of Accomplishment

I think that there are not many things that give me even higher satisfaction than when I am flying an airplane. In light of all the systems and tough environments, each flight looks like a set of hazards in the air. Whether it is an attempt to land and bear gusty winds or fight through the limited visibility due to thick cloud cover, there is always a new challenge and test of my aerial skills. The excitement derived from the ability to meet these challenges on my terms using the skills I have learned is<|reserved_special_token_262|>ifying. I still get that satisfying feeling whenever I am acknowledged for a specific task accomplished and that feeling propels me as a pilot to aim for new challenges.

Awe-Inspiring Views

My favorite part of flying is always getting that view from a bird™s eye perspective of about two or three thousand feet above the ground. Sailing above the land, I never ceased to marvel at how beautiful and detailed the grounds below look; from the green meadow patterns of the farmlands to the rugged snow-capped surface of mountains, the many-faceted sceneries that I get to behold from the aircraft are astonishing. Looking at the large scenes when they are viewed from the aircraft gives me the feeling that I am privileged to view some of the greatest marvels of nature, something that can elicit awe and admiration. Sailing at such a towering height in the sky always makes me feel privileged to be inhabitants of such a wonderful planet.

Bond with Other Pilots

Based on my interest in aviation and flying personally as a pilot, it is always a pleasure and natural to have some form of camaraderie with other pilots we come across. Every time I fly to a new airport, or meet another pilot, it is like a friendship instantly formed because we understand each other and our love for flying. We share tales of escapes in the nick of time from bad weather, poor runways, and other mishaps while the rest is always memorable scenic flights over long distances. We also have our pilots respect each other because we best know how much hard work, commitment, and hard work is required to attain that necessary qualification and take the aircraft controls. These are all the interactions with fellow pilots that make me feel that the aviation world is quite a close and friendly one.

Feeling of Capability

Control of an aircraft entails a lot of learning, skill, and the ability to make the right decisions at the right time and in a safe manner. The ability to harness that knowledge of aeronautics that I have gotten to learn through the years and put it to work within a short while is rather empowering. I am glad I have this very special, useful ability to be able to fly, hover around, and move through the air wondrously. The confidence that I gain from being able to control the lives of people as pilots also enhances my confidence that I can always deliver in matters that require pressure to be put into handling such situations. Flying can and does keep me reminded of impressing myself daily.

Joy, Rapture, Euphoria or Pleasure: Thrill of Speed and Agility.
While airliner flights are boring and cumbersome when stuck in a rigid metal chair for several hours, flying small aircraft let me feel the kick of adrenaline as aviation is fast and agile. One of the things I like most is making sharp and banking turns that force my body somewhat parallel to the walls of the cockpit while experiencing the force of gravity pushing me back to my seat. Anytime I could bring a much-appreciated smile to my face as I make quick rolls that invert my field of vision and spin my inner ear funny bones as any of the craziest carnival rides could do to me. And when I desire to light up the afterburners, I aim the nose of the plane down making it zoom towards the ground then pulling it up to ride the steep slant like the tower drop on a rollercoaster. The physical nature of flying these small and responsive vehicles ensures that I always remain alert and look forward to the next time I will be handling the joystick.

Bond with Passengers

I also love the passenger interaction especially when you are carrying some individuals who have never flown before. To have friends and family as first-time fliers is always interesting because it permits observing the joy of flying anew. Their exaggerated joy, nervousness, and excitement make me realize how fantastic it is to be zooming through the sky or a stadium at hundreds of miles per hour. I also enjoy their reactions whenever I pull off gentle banks, climbs, and descents; the expression of surprise and joy knowing they have been flying like birds with minimal feeling of the weightlessness of the aircraft. Appending became to be there as others realize how exciting and deep the cliché can be of ordinary flights, flying many miles above the earth.

In conclusion, the lack of gravity, the need to concentrate and perform the trickery, the feeling of accomplishing them, the spectacular aerial views, the companionship with like-minded individuals, the feelings of capability and daring, and the ability to share flight marvels all make flying a very fulfilling hobby. Regardless of my many revisits of the trolley over the clouds, the fairy-tale enthusiasm of a child, fond of airplanes remains unaltered. The position at the controls of an aircraft enables me to ˜escape™ the earthly confines of the ground and fly in the heavens even if it is for a brief period; that is why I will always love to fly.

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